Grillparzer, Franz: Brief an Georg Preyss. o.O., 9.7.1851

2v*. 1 jJ .

GRILLPARZER, FRANZ. A. L. S. to Br. Georq von Preyss.

1 page, 4to., with address leaf. (Vienna), July 1 (l)851*

Dear Sir and Friend:

I am much obliged to thank you for the statistical- medical-economic references concerning your'Sphinx^'

which so far belongs only to the world of fairy-tales»

Consequently, I have made all the preparations to

leave Vienna on Sunday the 13th. Thus, I shall arrive

there on the 18th in the morning.

The good Lord has meanwhile taken care to prepare

me for a restorative spa cure.I was affected by a diarrhea

now ravaging Vienna on an almost epidemic scale and to

which, in the beginning, I did not pay any attention^

but to which later DJ had to give in, and that was when

Dr. Gi'sche and Miss Kathy Frofilich pursued me so much

with medicaments that I am going to the dogs^and that

I am very much in need of a strenghtening eure.

Incidentally, the disease is over and gone, and the

remaining six days will be sufficient to enable me

of making the fortheoming trip.

In ad^vance recommending myself to your kind care,

I remain,



July 8 *851.

Address leaf ):

F^om Vienna

To Mr. G erg von Preyss,

Doctor of Medicin,

Neusohl in Hungary